Cranberry Hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella) Rooted Cuttings or Unrooted Cuttings

from $5.00
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Cranberry Hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella)

Pick either rooted or unrooted cuttings!

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Hibiscus acetosella

General Info

Cranberry hibiscus is shrub native to much of tropical/sub-tropical Africa and the Caribbean. It produces lovely red foliage and striking pink flowers in fall.

Growing Conditions

Cranberry hibiscus grow quite easily and remain relatively disease and pest free. These appreciate full/partial sun, but can grow in shady spots as well. It is encouraged to prune these back readily or they will grow tall and branches can fall over and snap.


Leaves have a tart, cranberry-like taste. The flowers can also be eaten or used for tea.


Sub-Tropical to Tropical

Cold Tolerance

Cranberry hibiscus is quite cold sensitive. A hard freeze will kill them back to the ground. Sometimes they can sprout again and grow fine the following year.


Cuttings or seeds. Fresh cranberry hibiscus cuttings root readily.